Maxi Danger Uncut

Sunday, February 06, 2011

2011 - The Year That Is

Ok so it's now 11 years past the point where the TV show title 'Beyond 2000' became pretty silly. I used to watch that show thinking how cool it would be when all that stuff arrived, but to be honest feel pretty ripped off that we don't even have hoverboards and cars that fly through the air. Sure, I may be getting that show mixed up with the entire Back To The Future trilogy, but whatever, I still feel ripped off. Those scientist nerds better get their shit together, and soon.
However, I digress. The point of this post is to jot down a few of my goals for this year, along with a success criteria. Ok I know that's a bit of corporate wankiness but one decent saying I came across in 2010 was "what does success look like?". Good question. All well and good to throw resolutions out there, but how do you know you've made the target? I think I'll revisit this post in six months to see how I'm measuring up.
  • Write. Hence this post. Success criteria: 24 blog entries published in 2011. Doesn't really matter what I write about, but I'm thinking Japanese restaurants on Smith St, travel, music reviews, approved venues, black listed venues, and anything else that comes to mind.
  • Read. 24 books read in 2011, 12 of them 'thinking' books, 12 of them easy-reads.
  • Listen (to live music).  15 gigs this year.
  • Save $$$. Like $1000 dollars. Ok maybe a little more than that, but I'm not going to publicise this target.
  • Contribute. With a job that at times borders on soul crushing (enhancing technology platforms so rich people can make more money) it's time to boost my sense of self worth by having some impact on the world around me. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy what I do right now, the people are awesome, my boss is good, and I'm challenged with something different everyday, it's just that there is no doubt that what I do is kind of 'meh' in regards to it's contribution to society. Not sure of the success criteria for this one, but I think maybe 5-10 hours a month volunteering would be a good start.
  • Get Fitter/Healthier. Again little hard to define a clear target, but maybe I should do a beep test or something to get a baseline, then just try and beat it. Or something similar with a general fitness test (like max pushups, chinups, situps, bench etc). Will have to have a think about this one. 
  • Drink Less. Have more AFD's (Alcohol Free Days) than NAFD (non AFD's). 
  • Work Less. The last 12 months of work has been pretty full on, with the outlook pretty bleak for at least another two. However after the next two upgrades are delivered, going to make a concerted effort to get the hours under control (less weekend work, less staying late etc). I'm at the point where I'm thinking about work all the time. Wouldn't say it's stress cos it doesn't really worry me, but it is impacting my life a little. Finding that when I catch up with friends/family etc more often than not I'm super tired so not as social as I should be. Also want to start going to the gym during lunchtimes more often.
Alright I think that's about it for now, if any more reso's come to mind I'll add em to the list. Good luck myself.


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