Dave Danger?
Ok it's been a long while between posts. I'll admit it, I'm the worst bloggerer ever. I'm a little bit behind the eight ball on the updates, you'll have to bear with me. One minor reason is that I broke my arm about two months ago playing soccer, that put a bit of a restriction on my movements. The other reason is that I've been super busy trying to find a new apartment (again) which isn't easy anywhere, let alone in Japan. After deciding that squatting in the Nova apartment (big thanks to Tony) was no longer my scene, we finally found and organised a new place, which I've since moved into (and the long awaited internet connection is now up and running).
Here's a new section: From the Mailbag.
One of the billions of dangermites (that's my new name for Dangerblog readers, but if you've got any better suggestions let me have 'em...) out there, Sean, sent some feedback through recently, after noticing (what he thought) was some similarities between Max Danger, and another less famous Australian celebrity.
Check the following pics out:

Whaaaaaaaaaaa who's who?
Must admit that it's not the first time I've been compared to Hughesy, so I decided to take some steps, just so I don't get mixed up with him anymore. Vwalla:

Do I look like Hughesy now Sean? NO! That's cos I possess a magnificent ginger beard, amazingly similar to Chuck Norris's, and everyone knows that if you have a Chuck Norris beard, then you automatically have Chuck Norris roundhouse powers. Have no doubt that next time you don't keep your smart arse observations to yourself, you'll be receiving a swift roundhouse kick that will leave your head resembling a Picasso painting.
Nah just kidding man, you're alright. Hey everyone, Sean's alllllrrrrriiiiggggghhhhtttt.
Ok that's all I got time for tonight, but will spend some serious time this weekend uploading pics and vids from the biggest road trip ever. Next Post: Mickey Comes to Town: Fuji Road Trip 2007.
Here's a new section: From the Mailbag.
One of the billions of dangermites (that's my new name for Dangerblog readers, but if you've got any better suggestions let me have 'em...) out there, Sean, sent some feedback through recently, after noticing (what he thought) was some similarities between Max Danger, and another less famous Australian celebrity.
Check the following pics out:

Whaaaaaaaaaaa who's who?
Must admit that it's not the first time I've been compared to Hughesy, so I decided to take some steps, just so I don't get mixed up with him anymore. Vwalla:
Do I look like Hughesy now Sean? NO! That's cos I possess a magnificent ginger beard, amazingly similar to Chuck Norris's, and everyone knows that if you have a Chuck Norris beard, then you automatically have Chuck Norris roundhouse powers. Have no doubt that next time you don't keep your smart arse observations to yourself, you'll be receiving a swift roundhouse kick that will leave your head resembling a Picasso painting.
Nah just kidding man, you're alright. Hey everyone, Sean's alllllrrrrriiiiggggghhhhtttt.
Ok that's all I got time for tonight, but will spend some serious time this weekend uploading pics and vids from the biggest road trip ever. Next Post: Mickey Comes to Town: Fuji Road Trip 2007.