So we were up and at em bright and early Saturday morning, eager to explore Tokyo. Breakfast in Ginza accompanied by a bit of strolling through shops looking, lunch in Shibuya, afternoon nap in Yoyogi Park, Harajuku, then dinner in Shinjuku. Nice.
Couple of interesting sites in Shibuya, including this love hotel:
In transit:

Micky had only request for the whole trip, and that was to go see the massive Godzilla in the centre of Tokyo. Surprisingly, for such a humungous monument, it wasn't that easy to locate, but in the end we got there. Well worth the trip, all of us were speechless because it's just such an impressive feat of engineering combined with lifelike artistic sculpturing. Check it:
Well, it's huge if you get the right camera angle, anyway:

Godzy was a good sport though, so we decided to have a few beers with him:

Good times, good times.
After a full days trekking through the city, and still feeling the effects of the Fuji climb, it was back to the apartment for a quick triangle de love power nap, before tearing up the town. A serious debate was held, to decide how long to nap for. Being pretty tired (yet still frisky) , I floated the idea of 'sleeping till 2am, and then going out - cos that way the beatches will be drunk, and heaps easier' but was voted down by my ultra conservative brothers.
Time for some sustenance. I wouldn't say the fridge in our apartment was particularly well stocked, although it did have the essentials - vitamin jelly packs and beer - what else could you possibly want?:

With Fuji conquered, and about to hit the town in Tokyo, I decided it was time to trim up the mountain man beard, in favour of something a bit more refined for the city. That done we got our Sunday best on and subwayed ourselves to Roppongi, to hook up with a friend of mine who lives in the city.
Gangsta's on the Train:

They say Tokyo is an expensive city, and it can be, but it's also full of some pretty good deals if you know where to look. After a $4 gyoza and curry deal, it was time to hit the clubs.
Pre-clubbing, Roppongi:
Roppongi is pretty dodgy, and you get this impression straight away. As soon as you walk down the street, you're pretty much swamped on both sides by big african-american dudes touting 'titties, titties, you boys want to see some titties?'. It's pretty much the only place in Japan where you get harassed on the street bangkok style, and it's interesting to note that the Japanese don't tout themselves, they employ foreigners to do it on their behalf. Nothing seems to work to deter them either - the touters don't get the hint if you ignore them, a forceful 'no' doesn't work, and, when micky says 'yeah, I'd love to see some titties', that only seems to encourage them to the point that they get a little emotional when after a few minutes they realise you're only taking the piss and you're actually not going to accompany them down some back alley to the titty bar that they're spruiking. Who would've thought?
The first bar on the list was a little joint named Motown, and this set the tone for the evening. You would be hard pressed to find a dodgier joint. Being under the impression that bars are generally for youngish people, Motown was a shock. The number of middle-aged overweight friendless balding blokes wearing checked shirts tucked into their 80's stonewashed jeans was astounding. Astounding, but also humorous, as shortly after noticing this fact the game 'spot the paedo' was begun. The rules were quite simple - you get a point if you get 'em in a picture.
Suspect A - Mikey 1 Point (do yourself a favour and click this photo to enlarge it, you'll get more out of the close up view I promise you):

Suspect B - Skahill's 1 Point:
Here's a little live footage with the running commentary:

So we ditched Motown after a couple of beers and headed to the classic Roppongi hangout, GAS PANIC!
-img 0853
I thought the girl in front of me in the queue for the bar may have been cute, but couldn't get a good look at her, that's where the digi cam comes in very handy:

I was right.
There definitely was a few cuties around, this one was a was a bit shy at first, but I knew her coyness was just an act

She had a fat friend that was blocking my run, but Mickey being a good wingman, doing his best to distract her defensive line up.

More gas panic live:
If you didn't catch the dialogue in that clip it went:
"Here we are at Gas Panic - dancing on the tables...doof doof doof doof...whooa, got told off."
We also checked out Yoyogi park, I love that place. The mix of people that hang out there is great. Nunchuck dude was providing quite the show, but unfortunately he didn't have the goods:
All in all the few days we spent in Tokyo were an absolute blast.
Couple of interesting sites in Shibuya, including this love hotel:
Micky had only request for the whole trip, and that was to go see the massive Godzilla in the centre of Tokyo. Surprisingly, for such a humungous monument, it wasn't that easy to locate, but in the end we got there. Well worth the trip, all of us were speechless because it's just such an impressive feat of engineering combined with lifelike artistic sculpturing. Check it:
Godzy was a good sport though, so we decided to have a few beers with him:
After a full days trekking through the city, and still feeling the effects of the Fuji climb, it was back to the apartment for a quick triangle de love power nap, before tearing up the town. A serious debate was held, to decide how long to nap for. Being pretty tired (yet still frisky) , I floated the idea of 'sleeping till 2am, and then going out - cos that way the beatches will be drunk, and heaps easier' but was voted down by my ultra conservative brothers.
Time for some sustenance. I wouldn't say the fridge in our apartment was particularly well stocked, although it did have the essentials - vitamin jelly packs and beer - what else could you possibly want?:
With Fuji conquered, and about to hit the town in Tokyo, I decided it was time to trim up the mountain man beard, in favour of something a bit more refined for the city. That done we got our Sunday best on and subwayed ourselves to Roppongi, to hook up with a friend of mine who lives in the city.
Gangsta's on the Train:
They say Tokyo is an expensive city, and it can be, but it's also full of some pretty good deals if you know where to look. After a $4 gyoza and curry deal, it was time to hit the clubs.
Pre-clubbing, Roppongi:
The first bar on the list was a little joint named Motown, and this set the tone for the evening. You would be hard pressed to find a dodgier joint. Being under the impression that bars are generally for youngish people, Motown was a shock. The number of middle-aged overweight friendless balding blokes wearing checked shirts tucked into their 80's stonewashed jeans was astounding. Astounding, but also humorous, as shortly after noticing this fact the game 'spot the paedo' was begun. The rules were quite simple - you get a point if you get 'em in a picture.
Suspect A - Mikey 1 Point (do yourself a favour and click this photo to enlarge it, you'll get more out of the close up view I promise you):

Suspect B - Skahill's 1 Point:
-img 0853
I thought the girl in front of me in the queue for the bar may have been cute, but couldn't get a good look at her, that's where the digi cam comes in very handy:
I was right.
There definitely was a few cuties around, this one was a was a bit shy at first, but I knew her coyness was just an act

She had a fat friend that was blocking my run, but Mickey being a good wingman, doing his best to distract her defensive line up.
More gas panic live:
If you didn't catch the dialogue in that clip it went:
"Here we are at Gas Panic - dancing on the tables...doof doof doof doof...whooa, got told off."
We also checked out Yoyogi park, I love that place. The mix of people that hang out there is great. Nunchuck dude was providing quite the show, but unfortunately he didn't have the goods:
All in all the few days we spent in Tokyo were an absolute blast.