Maxi Danger Uncut

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Goal Tracking - Mar '11 Status Report

Ok so the first three months of 2011 have fucking flown by.
Here's a summary table of where I'm at with my goals. Overall March was a bit rubbish, going nowhere with work life balance and contributing, however one positive is that health and fitnessing is on the up:

Goal Category Performance
Feb Mar
Writing G
Reading G -
Listening G -
Saving G ↓↓
Contributing R -
Healthing and Fitnessing R
Work/Life Balancing R -

  • Writing: Amber (from Green last month). Didn't do a lot this month. This entry plus one book review pretty boring really.
  • Reading: Green. Smashing through the books. Got through The Wolf of Wall St (as book reviewed) and Saturday (review pending). Haven't really read any 'thinking' books this year so I'm having a crack at Hamlet this month.
  • Listening: Green. Target for the year was to get to 15 gigs, kept the scoreboard ticking (up to 3) this month by going and checking out Avalanche City at the Toff. Decent gig, especially because it was free, however not a lot of people went so the vibe wasn't as good as it could've been.
  • Save: Amber (down from Amber). Have to mark this one as red, as I didn't get around to doing a rough budget this month. I still saved some cash but it's not really planned so need to work on this.
  • Contribution: Red (down from Amber). Did nothing to help my fellow man in March. Need to lift my game.
  • Health and Fitness: Amber (up from Red). Punched out around 36km's in running during March and went to the gym about 5 times this month. Much better than Feb however still room for improvement.
  • Work-Life Balance: Red, still getting crushed at work. Getting promoted isn't all it's cracked up to be, workload at the moment is massive. That said outlook this month is better, Easter's coming up so will definitely chill out for a week or two and get my relax on.


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