Bogon Aussie Words 101
Came out of semi retirement this week which has been quite the shock to the system. I started On The Job training on Monday, and there really wasn't a lot of mucking around. After a few hours of orientation it was 'right, you're teaching half a lesson' and off we went. The actual teaching isn't that bad, the maximum number of students per class is four so you don't have to keep track of too many people at once. The training finished on Wednesday, so after going out for a few celebratory drinks that night, I had to drag myself out of bed to make it to my first real day at work yesterday. By drag myself out of bed I mean have a massive sleep in, as I don't start work till 17:00. Boo Yah. Yesterday was pretty full on because I taught five lessons back to back (we'd only ever done two in a row in training), but everyone's pretty helpful so it wasn't too much of a drama. I've decided to use this teaching job to australianise every student that walks in the door, you'll be happy to know that four of my students are now familiar with the term 'mullet'. Pretty proud of that one, did well to refrain from laughing after I explained it and then all the students started writing it down in their notebooks. If you can think of other essential australian words that I should be teaching please post 'em in a comment.
The humidity has taken a little bit of getting used to - at the moment it's 26 Degrees, Humidity 89%. On Tuesday night it was a lazy 29 Degrees, 100% Humidity. Nice.
The new house is working out well. I also got around one of the local delicacies Sunday night, basashi. Hhhhmmmmmm, raw horse meat......tasted a little slimy but was ok. Mum, you'll also be happy to know that I survived my first earthquake on Wednesday. Must've been pretty minor, but it was kinda cool - I was sitting on the couch when the floor shifted slightly to the left, then back again. Good times.
I've got a new mobile unit (don't want to cheapen it by calling it a phone, cos it's so much better than that...) which is a 3.2 MP camera, gps navigation system, ipod and phone (amongst other things) rolled into one, so I'll be able to take a few happy snaps and start posting them up soon.
Last day of the working week tonight so the plans are to head out after work to tabe hodi (all you can eat), have a few drinks then go and watch the Germany v Argentina match. Should be good. Keep the emails coming, Talk to you soon.
The humidity has taken a little bit of getting used to - at the moment it's 26 Degrees, Humidity 89%. On Tuesday night it was a lazy 29 Degrees, 100% Humidity. Nice.
The new house is working out well. I also got around one of the local delicacies Sunday night, basashi. Hhhhmmmmmm, raw horse meat......tasted a little slimy but was ok. Mum, you'll also be happy to know that I survived my first earthquake on Wednesday. Must've been pretty minor, but it was kinda cool - I was sitting on the couch when the floor shifted slightly to the left, then back again. Good times.
I've got a new mobile unit (don't want to cheapen it by calling it a phone, cos it's so much better than that...) which is a 3.2 MP camera, gps navigation system, ipod and phone (amongst other things) rolled into one, so I'll be able to take a few happy snaps and start posting them up soon.
Last day of the working week tonight so the plans are to head out after work to tabe hodi (all you can eat), have a few drinks then go and watch the Germany v Argentina match. Should be good. Keep the emails coming, Talk to you soon.
Grouse, Bonza, Bloody Oath, Fucken Oath, Ken Oath, Frog and Toad, Wanker, Dry as a dingo's donga, On it like flies on shit.
That should keep them busy for a while.
Anonymous, at 15:47
PS I think you meant "bogan" aussie words not "bogon" - Haahhahaha you're a bogon!
Anonymous, at 17:49
Michael, don't corrupt those sweet innocent Japanese minds too much please. We miss you here. Will email soon with the ANZ goss (will make some up). Take care, keep in touch - miya
ps. enjoying your blog:)
Anonymous, at 22:31
Stop drinking those Picari Sweats and start having some impact.
PS The Dwaynes World blog will launch as soon as I wake up the night after The Palace 2nd Floor re-opening.
Anonymous, at 22:15
And how about your favourite: "Dork". As in "Max, you're a dork".
Anonymous, at 12:45
i made sure all of my students said uni instead of university and ive since realised that nobody except australians no what "arvo" is - test the non-aussies
Anonymous, at 12:08
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