Maxi Danger Uncut

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Weekend (+ Meditation Challenge Day 1)

Had an awesome weekend. Friday night had a couple of low key beers with the dudes from work. Nothing too major - implemented my new policy of only having light beers until I've had dinner. This was a direct result of an absolute bender on a Friday night a few weeks ago, which caught me a little off guard, and left me with the worst hangover eeevvvvaaaaa.
Saturday morning went out and saw the Skahill's clan, who were down for a a few days for a wedding. Great to catch up with the crew. Given the sun was out, cruised out to Warbuton on the bike, clocked up a round trip of 160kms. Very nice countryside out there, definitely worth going again. Came back for a barbie at Em's place, which was entertaining, mainly because of the body language of a certain couple, and the theories/gossip this sparked, definitely gave the rest of us something to talk about.
Sunday morning headed out to Kew Library for a meditation workshop. Didn't know a lot about it prior to going in, but had Syme and Meriel to back me up. I was thinking that if they started talking about Shakra's and Reincarnation I was going to bail, but luckily it was pretty much on the level. Practised a couple of new techniques, and started a 7 day meditation challenge with the others (to meditate everyday for a week), will be interesting to see the results. Meditation course finished, it was time to balance out the healthy stuff by heading off to the pub to catch up with Johnny Hibble, Gabbo and Foldy. Ended up having an impromptu mini pub crawl - hit up the Baden, the Union and also Grumpy's on the way home. Grumpy's had this local band playing, they did an awesome cover of Brooke Fraser's 'There's Something In The Water'. It was pretty cool, keen to head back there next Sunday to check em out again.


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