Maxi Danger Uncut

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Matsuyama Mish 2k7

Heeelllloooo! Must admit it has been a long time between posts. The danger blog is a fair bit behind real life, because this past month I've been busier than a North Virginian mortician (too soon?). Got to fill you in on a trip over to Shikoku, my family coming to visit, and also another couple of friends from Melbourne coming to check out Kumamoto town. But let's start with a sojourn over to the not so famous Japanese island of Shikoku, to hang out with Fozzy in his adopted home town of Matsuyama. With emsy's time in Japan coming to a close, the three of us ex RMIT alpine clubbers decided to catch up in the 'yama for a bit of a weekend send off.

Managed to catch the right bus to the airport this time, got there nice and early and went straight through check-in, security etc. As both Kumamoto and Matsuyama aren't very big cities, the only direct flight available is with a rural carrier, which uses a 60 seater plan for the trip. As I was waiting in the departure lounge before boarding the plane, I noticed on the news how that very morning the same model plane that I was about to fly on had a bit of an accident at some other airport in Japan - it's landing gear had failed to open. Picture here: - Greeeeaaatttt. Reassurement plus.
Managed to make the journey and arrive in one piece though which I was very happy about.
Met up with Fozzy and Em no problems, and we spent most of the weekend just chilling out.

Action shot of fozzy, in the comfiest chairs in the city:

We also did a couple of touristy things like check out the castle, and also the Dogo onsen.

On Saturday it was road trip time, and we bundled in to fozz's girlfriend's dad's van, and headed for the Iya Valley. The target was some vine bridge's, which a few hundred years ago the local clans found useful to just hack off when they were being chased by baddies. Nice thinking. After a couple of scenic wrong turns, we eventually made it, and they bridges were quite impressive.

Em managed to drop her digi cam in the river which was entertaining, while also providing her with a nice excuse to buy a newer cooler one. On the way back, we cruised passed a statue of 'the pissing boy'.

Bit of a drop off the ledge:

So of course me and fozzy had to get our danger on:

'Twas a good day actually the mountain scenery is definitely worth checking out.
Group shot of the road trippers: Em, Foz, Ai and Me.

Also spent a fair bit of time just relaxing and watching video's and stuff, it was good just having no schedule to run by.

So that's a brief wrap of the Shikoku trip, next post will be on the family visit. Talk to ya's soon,


  • Hey Nashie!
    Good to hear about someone else's adventures for once. I'm still up here in sunny Canada. It's almost 6pm and I'm sitting in a cheap hotel room, alone and in my jocks contemplating if I should have Chinese or a burger and fries for dinner... tough choice I know. Just had an awesome thought! I should come up to see you in winter and we can go snowboarding in the great mountains of Japan.
    Something to think about..if your still gonna be around..?

    Anyway, miss ya mate!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 08:56  

  • Sounds like you're both doing it really tough. As for difficult decisions, I can relate Gab. I had breakfast when I got up (about 1pm). Now it's 4.30 and I can't decide what I want for lunch. Need to decide quickly or else it will be dinner time.

    Japan snowboarding trip - bring it on. I need a holiday.

    Btw - do any of you two ever work?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15:49  

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