I Still Got It. Or Have I?
Greetings everyone. Been a little while since I last posted, things have been cruising along nicely. Celebrated my 16th birthday yesterday (okay, okay, it may have been my 27th), and apart from spending my time pondering the fact that I'm now an old geezer, I've also been keeping busy by travelling, studying, training, drinking, socialising and working.
So seeing that growing old is the theme of the week, I've put together a couple of observations:
Subtle Signs That At 27 You Are Now Past It (#1)
Your memory goes. Sitting in the bar the other night talking to my friend Bronwyn, and her friend who I didn't recognise. After a few minutes Bronwyn says 'Have you guys met before?'. I replied with 'No, we've never met' at exactly the same time that her friend said 'Yes, we've met before'. How's that for f.cking smooth? Apparently we met a few weeks ago. Whatever...
Subtle Signs That At 27 You Are Now Past It (#2)
Hangovers last for multiple days, instead of 10 minutes. Went to Fukuoka last weekend and caught up with my mate Brendan who is living there now, it was a pretty cool couple of days. Did a little bit of shopping, and also painted the town red. Despite our best efforts, we ended up downing quite a few drinks. I blame the fact that the bar we went to had all you can drink cocktails for $30, from 10pm until 5:00am. With deals like that it's always going to end in tears. Wasn't the ideal result, because Brendan met this really hot girl at a bar called Fubar (Fukuoka) the weekend before, and was keen to catch up with her again. So we went back to the same bar, and her and her friend (Kazumi) arrived at the bar a little later after we got there. At this point I was asked by Brendan to keep her friend 'entertained', while he moved in on his sweetheart. Being the ultimate wingman that I am, I took a bit of a hit for the team because unfortunately she wasn't exactly a stunner. But you know what they say, 'you have to slay a few dragons to get to the princess'...Anyways because we had a couple of big nights in a row, I was feeling it for a few days later the next week, prompting me to rethink my current policy of drinking to excess quite often. One one hand hangovers really suck, but then on the other hand, after a few drinks everyone does look prettier...Hmmm, tough choice.
In other news, I've found a gym close to my house so have been hitting it fairly regularly. Made the decision to healthen it up a bit. Didn't think it was possible that I could actually get skinnier, but since I arrived here I've lost maybe four or five kilo's. If I lost any more weight I'd probably by in the negatives. So it's time to say goodbye to 'Max Danger - Global President of Team Skinny' and replace him (in a few months) with 'Max Danger - Buffest Cat on The Planet'. The plan is to hit the gym every second day and transform my strings for arms into MASSIVE CANNONS! For example, today, I already did like a thousand pushups...
No update on the married dilemma, that kind of fizzled out a bit. My friend hasn't really being seeing much of the milf in question, so nothing to report there.
Random People Experiences (#2)
I was at the international centre on Sunday looking at the english notice board, when some jap dude comes up and says to me 'can I talk to you'. I thought why not, he probably just wants to practice his english, let's give a little back to the community. So we sit down and start talking, but after about 10 seconds it was pretty obvious that this guy has no social skills. 1 minute into the conversation he's asking me 'can I be your friend', 2 minutes in and he's asking for my phone number. I just looked at him and said 'no you can't have my phone number, I don't like phone calls', so then he asked for my email. Points for persistency I guess. He pretty much just wanted to be my friend so he could get free english lessons. Seeing that I teach english every day, the last thing that I want to do is teach it in my spare time too. For free. Now I have some understanding of what girls must feel like when random losers hit on them, and they have to give out fake numbers and stuff. The worst part about the whole thing was that he wasn't even cute.
For all you fans of japlish, check out this little establishment a couple of blocks from my apartment:

Pretty convenient when you need old Fido raundered, hey?
Here's a couple of pics from Sunday night when we went out for celebratory drinks, in honour of my sweet sixteenth.
Shu's Bar, with Fern and Rashell frontin up at the bar. Those cats in the background are Nova as well.
L to R: Pat, Rashell, Max Danger, Bron, Laura.
L to R: Laura, Max, Dev, Joel, Rashell, Bron and Fern. After I got over the weirdness of not being home for my birthday, it wound up being a pretty good night, although the town was pretty dead being a Sunday night and all.
Apologies for being pretty slack on the email front, I haven't been using my laptop that much lately. And don't think that it's just you that I'm not replying to. Because I'm a genuine guy, I'm ignoring everyone equally.
Will hopefully crank out a few emails back home in the next couple of days. Talk to you soon, Love Maxi.
So seeing that growing old is the theme of the week, I've put together a couple of observations:
Subtle Signs That At 27 You Are Now Past It (#1)
Your memory goes. Sitting in the bar the other night talking to my friend Bronwyn, and her friend who I didn't recognise. After a few minutes Bronwyn says 'Have you guys met before?'. I replied with 'No, we've never met' at exactly the same time that her friend said 'Yes, we've met before'. How's that for f.cking smooth? Apparently we met a few weeks ago. Whatever...
Subtle Signs That At 27 You Are Now Past It (#2)
Hangovers last for multiple days, instead of 10 minutes. Went to Fukuoka last weekend and caught up with my mate Brendan who is living there now, it was a pretty cool couple of days. Did a little bit of shopping, and also painted the town red. Despite our best efforts, we ended up downing quite a few drinks. I blame the fact that the bar we went to had all you can drink cocktails for $30, from 10pm until 5:00am. With deals like that it's always going to end in tears. Wasn't the ideal result, because Brendan met this really hot girl at a bar called Fubar (Fukuoka) the weekend before, and was keen to catch up with her again. So we went back to the same bar, and her and her friend (Kazumi) arrived at the bar a little later after we got there. At this point I was asked by Brendan to keep her friend 'entertained', while he moved in on his sweetheart. Being the ultimate wingman that I am, I took a bit of a hit for the team because unfortunately she wasn't exactly a stunner. But you know what they say, 'you have to slay a few dragons to get to the princess'...Anyways because we had a couple of big nights in a row, I was feeling it for a few days later the next week, prompting me to rethink my current policy of drinking to excess quite often. One one hand hangovers really suck, but then on the other hand, after a few drinks everyone does look prettier...Hmmm, tough choice.
In other news, I've found a gym close to my house so have been hitting it fairly regularly. Made the decision to healthen it up a bit. Didn't think it was possible that I could actually get skinnier, but since I arrived here I've lost maybe four or five kilo's. If I lost any more weight I'd probably by in the negatives. So it's time to say goodbye to 'Max Danger - Global President of Team Skinny' and replace him (in a few months) with 'Max Danger - Buffest Cat on The Planet'. The plan is to hit the gym every second day and transform my strings for arms into MASSIVE CANNONS! For example, today, I already did like a thousand pushups...
No update on the married dilemma, that kind of fizzled out a bit. My friend hasn't really being seeing much of the milf in question, so nothing to report there.
Random People Experiences (#2)
I was at the international centre on Sunday looking at the english notice board, when some jap dude comes up and says to me 'can I talk to you'. I thought why not, he probably just wants to practice his english, let's give a little back to the community. So we sit down and start talking, but after about 10 seconds it was pretty obvious that this guy has no social skills. 1 minute into the conversation he's asking me 'can I be your friend', 2 minutes in and he's asking for my phone number. I just looked at him and said 'no you can't have my phone number, I don't like phone calls', so then he asked for my email. Points for persistency I guess. He pretty much just wanted to be my friend so he could get free english lessons. Seeing that I teach english every day, the last thing that I want to do is teach it in my spare time too. For free. Now I have some understanding of what girls must feel like when random losers hit on them, and they have to give out fake numbers and stuff. The worst part about the whole thing was that he wasn't even cute.
For all you fans of japlish, check out this little establishment a couple of blocks from my apartment:

Pretty convenient when you need old Fido raundered, hey?
Here's a couple of pics from Sunday night when we went out for celebratory drinks, in honour of my sweet sixteenth.

Apologies for being pretty slack on the email front, I haven't been using my laptop that much lately. And don't think that it's just you that I'm not replying to. Because I'm a genuine guy, I'm ignoring everyone equally.
Will hopefully crank out a few emails back home in the next couple of days. Talk to you soon, Love Maxi.
I forgot all about your birthday! Well its too late now. I will do my best for next year!
Anonymous, at 17:16
pat's hot. no wonder you're pulling no chicks and getting crumbs. is he gay? every guy in tokyo is gay. that's not an exageration. even the married ones are. one of them grabbed my bosses' doodle while we were having eki beers. do you think pat would mind shaving his mo'? i don't mind bum fluff on the chin so it's a compromise. i'm real good like that.
Anonymous, at 22:46
I agree, Pat's a hotty mchotto. I wouldn't mind having a random experience with him if u know what i mean! Well anyways i just wanted to let u know that weight loss is one of the signs of liver failure so maybe your liver is getting back at u for treating it like shit all these years.
Luv Catherine
Anonymous, at 16:11
Whoa....weight loss is one of hte signs of liver failure....should I be heading to a doctor then? :S
Fernando, at 10:23
Liver Disease Shmiver Disease. Anwyays, I've got two of em right???
Maxi, at 12:48
That Bron girl looks alright... Is she single? Forget about your liver and have a dip!
Anonymous, at 16:29
Steve Irwin died doing what he loved, So did Peter Brock, Nash you gotta stop wanking man I'm worried about you.
Anonymous, at 10:47
And Nash about this married woman thing, I'm quite an authority on the subject, I'm in the middle of shooting a doco desperate housewives finley style, but I suggest you hold off til you get your black belt in pilates mate before you piss off any jacky chan husbands over there.
Anonymous, at 10:58
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